Multiple DM’s may be associated with each MicroService. This document describes some combinations of DM’s, and how these combinations behave and might be useful.
In general, DM’s in the same category are mutually exclusive, and it does not usually make sense to combine them. For example, KeepInCloud and KeepOnDevice do not make sense together - choose one or the other. Similarly, choose between LockingTransactions and OptimisticTransactions, and not both.
Conversely, by combining DM’s in different categories, new and often very useful deployment behaviors can be achieved without having to write any code. For example, by combining ConsensusRSM, KeepInCloud, and LockingTransactions, it is possible to get the union of their behaviors, namely:
- A RAFT-based replicated state machine (ConsensusRSM).
- All replicas remain in a given cloud zone (KeepInCloud).
- Multi-operation read-write transactions using server-side locking (LockingTransactions)
KeepInCloud + LockingTransactions + ConsensusRSM¶
Desired behavior¶
- Client creates a new instance or obtains a reference to an existing MicroService.
- Client starts a locking transaction, by calling startTransaction()
- Client invokes multiple read and write operations against the MicroService.
- Client either commits or rolls back the transaction.
- Client expects the MicroService to be highly available, resilient to server machine failures (provided that concurrent failures are limited to a minority quorum).
- Client expects the MicroService to be high performance (all quorum communication is on the local zone network).
- Client does not expect the MicroService to be resilient to zone failure.
How it works under the hood¶
- Client creates an instance of a MicroService (_new()).
- Kernel invokes group.onCreate() on all DM’s (some handwaving
here, but I think we can make it work).
- ensures that all replicas are in the required cloud zone.
- does nothing unusual.
- creates 2f+1 replicas (by invoking sapphire_replicate, which in turn invokes addServer on all DM’s).
- Client starts a locking transaction, by calling startTransaction() on the MicroService
- The above is intercepted by KeepInCloud.client.onRPC(), that does nothing other than server.onRPC().
- The above is intercepted by LockingTransactions.client.onRPC() that identifies startTransaction() and acquires a server-side lock by invoking LockingTransactions.server.acquireLock().
- The above is intercepted by ConsensusRSM.client.onRPC(), that invokes the RAFT consensus algorithm across all replicas to ensure that the RPC call (acquireLock() in this case) is committed against the quorum. (note that in the current implementation, LockingTransactions.server issues the lease identifier (a random UUID). Given that there will be 2f+1 servers in this case, 2f+1 different lease id’s would be issued. So to make this work, there should be an option to have the lease ID generated on the client - LockingTransactions.client - to ensure that the lock identifier is consistent across all replicas. This change should be straightforward.