Amino.Run Overview



Microservices are the base management unit in Amino. In the above diagram, each circle represents one Microservice. The dots inside the circle (i.e. the Microservice) represent normal programming language (e.g. Java) objects. One Microservice may contain a set of such objects. The solid arrow lines between dots are local method invocations between objects. The dashed arrow lines between circles are remote method invocations between Microservices. Methods on normal Java objects can only be invoked locally by objects residing on the same host. Microservices may however have remote methods which can be invoked by objects residing on different hosts.

Deployment Kernel has the capability to move a Microservice from one host to another. Behind the scenes, Deployment Kernel will serialize the whole Microservice, including all programming language objects belonging to the Microservice, on one end, ship the data to the destination host, and then do the deserialization there.

Microservices are created by applications using a static helper method Microservice.new_(). To invoke a method on a Microservice, applications have to first get a reference to the Microservice from OMS Server.


OMS, Object Management Service, keeps track of the location of all Microservices. Unlike normal (e.g. Java) objects which can be created using the Java new keyword, microsservices must be created with a special Amino.Run helper method ‘Microservice.new_()’. Upon Microservice creation, the method MicroService.new_() will generate a globally unique ID for the Microservice, and register the object in OMS. OMS provides API to search Amino Run. Given a Microservice ID, OMS can tell the IP of the host on which the Microservice runs. Whenever a Microservice is moved or deleted, OMS will be updated accordingly.

Kernel Server

Kernel Server provides runtime environment for Amino Run. Each host runs a Kernel Server instance. Kernel Server exposes a set of remote API which can be invoked remotely. Amino.Run assumes that any Kernel Server can invoke the remote API on any other Kernel Server regardless where the Kernel Server lives.


Every DM, Deployment Manager, has three components: a proxy, a instance manager, and a coordinator. When users create Microservice, he/she can optionally associate a DM to the Microservice. Not all Microservice has DMs. But if a DM is specified for a Microservice, then during the creation of the Microservice, helper method MicroService.new_() will inject code into the stub of the Microservice, in which case any method invocation on the Microservice will first be processed by the proxy, instance manager and the coordinator of the DM before reach the actual Microservice. Each DM provides one specific functionality. The Sapphire paper listed 26 DMs.

Kernel Object

Kernel object is a wrapper of the actual (e.g. Java) object - it contains a reference to the actual object and exposes a invoke method which allows any public methods defined on the actual object to be invoked with reflection.

Kernel objects are created with KernelServerImpl.newKernelObject method. Every kernel object has a unique oid and is registered in OMS server. KernelServer interface also exposes a few APIs to copy and move kernel objects.

Remote Interfaces

Amino.Run declares two Remote interfaces: KernelServer and OMSServer. Most methods in these two interfaces can be easily replaced with gRPC, except for KernelServer.copyKernelObject.

A note about code snippets: The code below is out-of-date. Many of the class and package names no longer apply, but the general principles do.


public interface KernelServer extends Remote {
	Object makeKernelRPC(KernelRPC rpc) throws RemoteException, KernelObjectNotFoundException, KernelObjectMigratingException, KernelRPCException;
	void copyKernelObject(KernelOID oid, sapphire.kernel.server.KernelObject object) throws RemoteException, KernelObjectNotFoundException;
	AppObjectStub startApp(String className) throws RemoteException;


public interface OMSServer extends Remote {
       KernelOID registerKernelObject(InetSocketAddress host) throws RemoteException;
       void registerKernelObject(KernelOID oid, InetSocketAddress host) throws RemoteException, KernelObjectNotFoundException;
       InetSocketAddress lookupKernelObject(KernelOID oid) throws RemoteException, KernelObjectNotFoundException;
       ArrayList<InetSocketAddress> getServers() throws NumberFormatException, RemoteException, NotBoundException;
       ArrayList<String> getRegions() throws RemoteException;
       InetSocketAddress getServerInRegion(String region) throws RemoteException;
       void registerKernelServer(InetSocketAddress host) throws RemoteException, NotBoundException;
       MicroserviceID registerMicroservice(EventHandler dispatcher) throws RemoteException;
       ReplicaID registerReplica(MicroserviceID oid, EventHandler dispatcher) throws RemoteException, MicroserviceNotFoundException;
       EventHandler getMicroserviceDispatcher(MicroserviceID oid) throws RemoteException, MicroserviceNotFoundException;
       EventHandler getReplicaDispatcher(ReplicaID rid) throws RemoteException, MicroserviceNotFoundException;
       /* Called by the client */
       public AppObjectStub getAppEntryPoint() throws RemoteException;

As a remote procedure call framework, gPRC does not provide a mechanism to move objects from one host to another. Objects are different from gRPC messages because objects may have methods. But we can build this object moving capability on top of gRPC by taking the following three actions:

  • Serialize the object into a byte stream on client side
  • Pass the byte stream to server side by calling a gRPC function on the server
  • Deserialize byte stream into object on server side

However there is one catch. In order to deserialize an object, the server on which the object will be deserialized needs the access to the class definition. ClassNotFoundException will be thrown if the server cannot find the class definition on the class path. Unlike RMI, gRPC is not able to dynamically download class definition from a remote location, therefore we need to build up a mechanism to allow servers to download jar files remotely.

In the first phase, to keep things simple, we can assume that there is one single jar file which contains all class definitions and this jar file is accessible to all servers.

RMI Registry

Amino.Run uses RMI registry to discover remote objects. The following snippet shows how to register remote object

// Register
OMSServerImpl oms = new OMSServerImpl(args[2]);
sapphire.oms.OMSServer omsStub = (sapphire.oms.OMSServer) UnicastRemoteObject.exportObject(oms, 0);
Registry registry = LocateRegistry.createRegistry(port);
registry.rebind("", omsStub);

Client side lookups remote object OMSServer by its name, i.e., and RMI registry returns a stub of OMSServer. Client then uses OMS server to look up Amino Run.

// Look up
registry = LocateRegistry.getRegistry(args[0],Integer.parseInt(args[1]));
OMSServer server = (OMSServer) registry.lookup("");

// Look up Microservice from OMS Server
TwitterManager tm = (TwitterManager) server.getAppEntryPoint();
System.out.println("Received Twitter Manager Stub: " + tm);

If we switch to gRPC, we can no longer use RMI registry. We need to come up with another mechanism to register and lookup gRPC servers. It should be straightforward to do.


Amino.Run uses RMI in its internal implementation. Applications running on top of Amino.Run do not have to use RMI. Replacing RMI with gRPC, if done properly, should have little impact on Amino.Run applications. But application developers must make one change: Amino.Run applications can no longer use RMI registry to find OMS server location; they have to switch to gRPC service discovery mechanism.

Pros Cons
gRPC * Support other languages
* More efficient
* No object moving
RMI * Object moving * Only support Java
* Less efficient

Kernel Server & OMS

KernelServer and OMSServer are two important objects in Amino.Run. Both expose remote interfaces. OMSServer contains a KernelObjectManager which keeps track of the mapping between kernel object ID to the IP address of the kernel server in which the object runs. Given an kernel object ID, a client can call OMSServer to get the IP of the host where the object runs.

KernelServer contains a ObjectManager which keeps track of the mapping between kernel object ID to the reference of the object.


The following sequence chart demonstrate the high level interactions between client, OMS Server, and Kernel Server.



Amino.Run generates many stub classes. The following chart shows the relationship between these stub classes. We then uses the source code to explain how these stubs work together to process a remote method invocation. ../_images/Amino.Run_StubStructure.png


App_Stub contains $__client which is a reference to ClientPolicy. Every method call on App object will be translated to an onRPC call on embedded $__client.

public final class UserManager_Stub extends implements sapphire.common.AppObjectStub {

	// holds a reference to client policy $__client = null;

    // Implementation of addUser(String, String)
    public addUser(java.lang.String $param_String_1, java.lang.String $param_String_2)
            throws {
        java.lang.Object $__result = null;
        try {
            if ($__directInvocation)
                $__result = super.addUser( $param_String_1,  $param_String_2);
            else {
                java.util.ArrayList<Object> $__params = new java.util.ArrayList<Object>();
                String $__method = "public,java.lang.String) throws";
                $__result = $__client.onRPC($__method, $__params);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return (( $__result);


The onRPC call on ClientPolicy will be translated to an onRPC call on ServerPolicy_Stub.

public abstract class DefaultPolicyUpcallImpl extends {

	public abstract static class DefaultClientUpcallImpl extends {
		public Object onRPC(String method, ArrayList<Object> params) throws Exception {
			// The default client behavior is to just perform the RPC 
			// to the Policy Server
			Object ret = null;
			try {
				ret = getServer().onRPC(method, params);
			} catch (RemoteException e) {
			return ret;
	public abstract static class DefaultServerPolicyUpcallImpl extends ServerPolicyLibrary {
		public Object onRPC(String method, ArrayList<Object> params) throws Exception {
			// The default server behavior is to just invoke 
			// the method on the Microservice this Server 
			// Policy Object manages
			return appObject.invoke(method, params);


ServerPolicy_Stub uses the embedded KernelClient to do a makeKernelRPC call. It tries to use makeKernelRPC call to invoke DefaultServerPolicyUpcallImpl.onRPC method on the remote kernel server.

public final class CacheLeasePolicy$CacheLeaseServerPolicy_Stub extends implements sapphire.kernel.common.KernelObjectStub {
    // Implementation of onRPC(String, ArrayList) 
    public java.lang.Object onRPC(java.lang.String $param_String_1, java.util.ArrayList $param_ArrayList_2)
            throws java.lang.Exception {
        java.util.ArrayList<Object> $__params = new java.util.ArrayList<Object>();
        String $__method = "public java.lang.Object$DefaultServerPolicyUpcallImpl.onRPC(java.lang.String,java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Object>) throws java.lang.Exception";
        java.lang.Object $__result = null;
        try {
            $__result = $__makeKernelRPC($__method, $__params);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return $__result;

	public Object $__makeKernelRPC(java.lang.String method, java.util.ArrayList<Object> params) throws java.rmi.RemoteException, java.lang.Exception {
        sapphire.kernel.common.KernelRPC rpc = new sapphire.kernel.common.KernelRPC($__oid, method, params);
        try {
            return sapphire.kernel.common.GlobalKernelReferences.nodeServer.getKernelClient().makeKernelRPC(this, rpc);
        } catch (sapphire.kernel.common.KernelObjectNotFoundException e) {
            throw new java.rmi.RemoteException();


KernelClient makes a RMI call on a remote KernelServer with server.makeKernelRPC(rpc).

public class KernelClient {
	public Object makeKernelRPC(KernelObjectStub stub, KernelRPC rpc) throws KernelObjectNotFoundException, Exception {
		InetSocketAddress host = stub.$__getHostname();"Making RPC to " + host.toString() + " RPC: " + rpc.toString());

		// Check whether this object is local.
		KernelServer server;
		if (host.equals(GlobalKernelReferences.nodeServer.getLocalHost())) {
			server = GlobalKernelReferences.nodeServer;
		} else {
			server = getServer(host);
		// Call the server
		try {
			return tryMakeKernelRPC(server, rpc);
		} catch (KernelObjectNotFoundException e) {
			return lookupAndTryMakeKernelRPC(stub, rpc);
	private Object tryMakeKernelRPC(KernelServer server, KernelRPC rpc) throws KernelObjectNotFoundException, Exception {
		Object ret = null;
		try {
			ret = server.makeKernelRPC(rpc);
		} catch (KernelRPCException e) {
			throw e.getException();
		} catch (KernelObjectMigratingException e) {
			throw new KernelObjectNotFoundException("Kernel object was migrating. Try again later.");
		return ret;


The remote KernelServer receives the makeKernelRPC call. It locates the object in objectManager and then calls the method on the object.

	public Object makeKernelRPC(KernelRPC rpc) throws RemoteException, KernelObjectNotFoundException, KernelObjectMigratingException, KernelRPCException {
		sapphire.kernel.server.KernelObject object = null;
		object = objectManager.lookupObject(rpc.getOID());"Invoking RPC on Kernel Object with OID: " + rpc.getOID() + "with rpc:" + rpc.getMethod() + " params: " + rpc.getParams().toString());
		Object ret = null;
		try {
			ret = object.invoke(rpc.getMethod(), rpc.getParams());
		} catch (Exception e) {
			throw new KernelRPCException(e);
		return ret;

# AppEntry Creation

Every application written using Amino.Run has one `AppEntryPoint` which is the starting point of the application. The following sequence chart shows how a client (e.g. `TwitterWorldGenerator`) gets the `AppEntryPoint` (e.g. `MinnieTwitterStart`) from OMS, and how OMS creates `AppEntryPoint` on Kernel Server behind the scene.
